
Check your solution for using these legacy technologies

How to recognize outdated technology in a digital solution? Check your software for using these legacy technologies.

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Do you know how much is spent by companies that have given up on implementing new technologies in their digital products? According to a report from the Dell marketing group, more than 80% of organizations’ IT budgets are spent just to keep legacy software running.

Due to the dependence of their digital solutions on outdated programming languages, it requires constant monitoring of their performance. Even with routine tests, you can not be sure that the system won’t fail at some point. The impossibility of quick updates or the introduction of fundamentally new technologies in an ‘ancient’ kind of code only aggravates the situation. 

Can you confidently say that your product is up to date now? How do you even recognize outdated technology in a digital solution or system?

What Are Legacy Technologies?

Legacy software, like legacy technologies, is anything that was released more than 10 years ago, or the main components have already expired. It applies to all components of outdated technology:

  • Frameworks
  • “Ancient” development languages
  • Hosting
  • Provider
  • Support
  • Active community
  • Knowledgeable staff
  • Interoperability
  • Cross-platform
  • External integrations

Everything in the world is becoming obsolete and especially in the IT industry. The only difference is speed. Some technologies are still relevant even though they were released back in the 90s. Why is this so? The answer is simple – constant upgrades and modernization.

What Is Long-Term Support Technology (Programming Language)?

Legacy software may seem relevant to you, but it is not. The secret lies in vendor policy, namely the long-term support of the technology, framework, platform, development language, or even the finished product. 

Let us draw parallels. There is a Linux distribution based on Debian: Ubuntu. Its developer, Canonical, releases two operating system versions: stable and progressive. The latter gets important updates faster, such as kernel versions, shell versions, firmware, and security updates. But it is supported for only two years. 

With stable releases, the opposite is true: they are supported for 5 years. Still, they belong to the category of legacy software because of the large gap between current and not current builds of the main components.

At the bottom, the user chooses whether to work with new software but update it more often or to use irrelevant software but get only tested updates. Of course, if you are satisfied with the state of affairs and do not care much about scaling up and getting profits, you can continue using your proven systems. But if you want to compete with the industry leaders – you just need mainstream programming languages and their power!

Why Should You Avoid Continuing to Use Outdated Technologies?

The use of irrelevant technology leads to stagnation. It starts quietly: your IT department has no time to implement a new feature, integration problems arise, and sometimes servers crash or user authentication fails.

All this is directly related to the growing need for modern solutions to provide the most efficient UX. Outdated development languages, for example, are not designed to handle such a huge flow of information. They are slower to process requests, worse at using server hardware capacity, etc.

But the main problem is in the other. Platforms developed on legacy technologies are too difficult to scale and even more difficult to ensure data security. Yes, there is the danger of information leakage that causes companies to lose up to $4.3 million a year due to errors in privacy protection algorithms.

If you aim to save customers, credibility, or even your company, update your technology and your entire business platform. Investing in digital products now prevents loss of revenue in the future.

List of Technologies You Should Avoid Using

In the realities of 2022, it would take a long time to list already outdated technologies for digital product development. We will limit ourselves to the main languages and frameworks. If you use at least a few variants from the list, it is definitely time to modernize your software.

Obsolete technologies as of 2022:

  • Node.JS (1.2x, 1.7x, 10.x)
  • VB6, VB.NET
  • ASP.NET MVC/ WebForms
  • Silverlight
  • Delphi
  • AngularJS
  • .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.2
  • RHEL v8.2
  • MongoDB v4
  • Oracle 12
  • Microsoft SQLS 2012, 2017

Do you see your system components here? Time to migrate to modern solutions!

What Are Modern Software Programming Languages?

We can talk about good and competent programming languages for quite a long because the modern IT industry is literally brimming with various innovations. But you cannot be full of words, so let’s move on to the main thing – the list of actual solutions for the modernization of commercial and not only commercial systems.

Top development languages in 2022:

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • GO
  • Java
  • Rust
  • C/C++
  • C#
  • R
  • Ruby
  • Kotlin
  • Swift

All these languages are still in use and are not about to give up their positions.

Technology migration services

The right choice of a service provider is 99% of a successful digital product migration. Our service includes an individual approach to each business and industry as a whole. That is why we use only advanced technologies in our work:

  • ASP.NET Core for backend
  • Angular for front-end
  • React for front-end
  • Electron for hybrid app
  • Ionic for hybrid app
  • AWS as cloud
  • Azure as cloud
  • Docker

Transform your platform with no problems or delays – use the modern validated solutions proven in the expert community.

Migrating applications, systems, and platforms to current technology or hosting is a very complex and time-consuming task. Instead of making mistakes when planning and organizing the transition – delegate the task to professionals! AdvantiSS is the leader in the IT industry! Want to be sure of our expertise? Contact our manager and request a demonstration! We guarantee you will be satisfied with our services! 

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