
CRM system for B2B legal company

CRM system with payment and document management systems, Dwolla and Plaid integration


A company that provides B2B legal services in the US market. Lawyers manage the paperwork, clients get needed services via their legal tech online platform that we helped to improve.

January 2021 - On-going

Project duration

There are many different companies in every US state, which manage B2B legal services. Every organization has its own document templates. Depending on which state and company the employee work in, the template will be unique. We had to add various configurations and data fields to the document management tool.

There was an issue in California – law companies still used both an online platform and paper documentation, because the transfer to digital format takes a lot of time. As a result, we had to optimize this process.

After solving those challenges, the client added one more. It was necessary to provide a secure built-in money transfer system and it should have been possible to choose a suitable business niche within which bank transfers will be made.


A Project has already been launched. Our team got a list of the 3 main tasks at the beginning. After that, the client added us to the project development team and delegated a thousand tasks. Now we work as a full stack team with our PM and client’s product owner.


The document upload feature automatically parses information from PDF and fills in appropriate fields in the document management tool
Region requirements customization
Separate configuration development
Money transfer system
Bank account verification


3 Full-Stack Software Engineers
1 Project Manager
1 QA Engineer
1 TA Engineer


Interested in seeing our solution in action? Feel free to inquire!



Custom configurations for state requirements release

Parsing release

Demo version for integration with financial systems

Dwolla and Plaid integration

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